drawings (and more) for an imagined film

An exhibition at Cornerhouse, Manchester (Jan - Apr 2014)

Jamie Shovlin: Hiker Meat
Another of the artist's hoax works - this one a film that never existed, complete with convincing posters (including pinholes and old sellotape marks), character pencil studies, drawn annotations, blackboard configurations, a film score, rough cuts, film posters in several languages and director's notes too.

"Hiker Meat and its fictitious Italian director Jesus Rinzoli have been imagined by Shovlin to represent an archetypal exploitation film – a type of filmmaking characterised by its low budget aesthetic and exploitation of sensational subject matter, which boomed from the late 1960s to the early 1980s."
"Shovlin collaborated with writer Mike Harte and composer Euan Rodger to produce a full screenplay and soundtrack for the film. He then made a prototype cut-and-paste feature by collaging over 1500 found clips from existing exploitation films."

Intro from Jamie Shovlin (video)


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